Harmony offers employment and various youth development opportunities to host communities.
The company has various programmes on skills development, education and training that are offered to the local youth at different levels, to prepare and equip them for the world of work and other economic opportunities.
Our Internship and Work Experience programme is offered to graduates who require work-readiness exposure. The main goal of work-integrated learning is to enhance the chances of employment, as it increases students’ “work-readiness” or employability.
Harmony hosts over 100 interns annually for a duration of 12-24 months depending on the nature of the programme. We strongly believe that internships are a great way to create a pipeline of great future employees, and Harmony transitions some of the interns into permanent roles after successful completion of their programmes.
Graduate Development Programme
Harmony continues to invest in creating a talent pipeline of young people to fill core and critical roles within the business. We offer a Graduate Development Programme to our Bursar students who have successfully completed their qualifications.
Bursary Scheme Programme
At Harmony we offer full-time bursaries to communities in an around our mining operations. The bursaries are offered in the core and non-core fields of studies (varies per year as per business requirements). The breakdown of the annual bursary allocations is as follows: 60% core and critical, 30% non-core but mining-related and 10% other disciplines.
Career Exhibitions
In order to increase visibility and awareness of various career and job opportunities in the company, Harmony sponsors career exhibitions in and around our host communities.