Our corporate social investments (CSI) focus on going beyond compliance. This is an additional commitment we make to uplift and improve the lives and livelihoods of our host communities as well as labour sending areas.
The following strategic pillars guide our focus areas for social investments in our South Africa and Papua New Guinea operations.
- Education and training
- Health
- Sports recreation, arts and culture
- Social entrepreneurship and farmer development
- Social infrastructure
The Harmony Community Trust
In addition to our commitments under our Social and Labour Plans, which detail the projects Harmony has planned in host communities and labour sending areas, an annual budget is dedicated to our Corporate Social Investments (CSI). Our CSI activities are housed within the Harmony Community Trust, which was established in 2018 as a registered trust overseen by legally appointed trustees.
The Trust was born out of the Tswelopele Transaction, which originally covered host communities in the Free State. It has since grown and evolved to reach all Harmony’s mine communities and areas from which our labour is sourced.
South African mining regulation requires mining companies to include communities in their ownership structures. These equity holdings and their benefits are often managed by community trusts such as the Harmony Community Trust.
It is through this trust that Harmony identifies and funds community programmes.
Harmony has a CSI policy in place, which outlines the aim and scope of our CSI activities, as well as qualifying funding criteria, while the Trust Deed is used as a daily guide to the Trust’s practice.
The goal of the Harmony Community Trust is to touch hearts through the improvement of lives and livelihoods through the recognition of, and respect for, our common humanity.
Apply for funding
- Who can apply for funding? Registered and compliant non-profit organisations and non-governmental organisations that provide social development services within our host communities. The main aim of our CSI initiatives is to improve the quality of life in disadvantaged communities
- How can qualifying entities apply? Applications can be submitted via an online form, together with supporting documents. The form can be accessed on our CSI portal below
- When can I apply? Applications are open throughout the year
- How are applications assessed? Applications are assessed against key criteria which include:
- community involvement
- improve the quality of lives of disadvantaged communities
- merit of proposal or development objectives
- likelihood of success
- validity of registration certificates
- budget (achievable and realistic)
CSI Contacts
Mahadi Letsoisa
North West
Kate Dlamini
Free State
Mosa Kgopane
Kate Dlamini
Eastern Cape
Mahadi Letsoisa
Mosa Kgopane