Harmony awarded gold at Eco-Logic Awards
Johannesburg, 1 November 2024. Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited is proud to announce that the company was awarded gold in the Water Conservation Category at the Eco-Logic Awards on 30 October in Cape Town for refurbishing three municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs).
Harmony would also like to congratulate Woolworths and South African Breweries (SAB) for being awarded silver and bronze respectively.
Access to secure water supply is critical to mining and the development of people, communities and the economy, especially in water-scarce jurisdictions. Where Harmony has mining operations in South Africa, municipalities have been unable to maintain and operate state-owned WWTPs.
To address this issue, and to contribute to a cleaner and more stable ecological environment around its mines, Harmony refurbished three WWTPs on behalf of the Matjhabeng, Matlosana and Merafong municipalities.
In her acceptance speech, Dr Urishanie Govender, Chief Sustainability Officer at Harmony noted: “It is remarkable that a mining company has been recognised for a water stewardship award. This demonstrates our commitment to Mining with Purpose where we create shared value for all our stakeholders. And, in so doing, we are giving back to our communities.
“We have partnered with our municipalities to increase sewage treatment capacity by around by 30 million litres per day. We have invested more than R35 million in refurbishing all three WWTPs and all three projects have been delivered on time, on budget with zero injuries.”
Harmony is grateful to the Eco-Logic Awards for providing a platform where companies can showcase their commitment to ESG.
For more information see https://www.harmony.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/harmony-golden-story-ecologic-2024.pdf
For more details, contact:
Chipo Morapedi-Mrara
Head of Communications and Branding
+27 (0)60 571 0797
Mashego Mashego
Executive Director: Corporate Affairs
+27 (0)82 767 1072
Johannesburg, South Africa
1 November 2024
Sponsor: J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Propriety Limited