Kalgold JSE: R185.25 0.52% NYSE:$9.77 +3.28% GOLD:$2 706/oz +0.20% GOLD:R1 615 765/kg +0.31% USD:ZARR18.57 +0.07% At 18:29pm, 20 Jan 2025 Home » Operations » South Africa » Open pit » Kalgold Overview Kalgold is a long-life, open-pit gold mine on the Kraaipan Greenstone Belt, 55km southwest of Mahikeng in North West province. Mining takes place from the A-zone pit, where activities are ramping up at the pillar between the pit and the Watertank pit. Mined ore is processed at the carbon-in-leach Kalgold plant. As at 30 June 2023 Gold Resource: 1.8Moz Gold Reserve: 0.40Moz LoM: 9 years FY23 operating statistics PRODUCTION: 1 175kg / 37 778oz GRADE: 0.85g/t WORKFORCE: 725 ALL-IN SUSTAINING COST US$1 728/oz Operating performance FY23 Gold production increased 3% to 1 175kg (37 778oz) (FY22: 1 137kg), due to an 8% increase in the recovered grade to 0.85g/t (FY22: 0.79g/t). The increase in grade was, however, partially offset by lower tonnes milled at 1.38 million tonnes, 3% lower than the previous year (FY22: 1.43 million tonnes). Production was impacted by power supply challenges in the first and second quarters of the year. The increase in production combined with a 16% rise in the gold price resulted in a 18% increase in revenue for FY23 to R1 212 million (FY22: R1 029 million). Cash operating costs increased 6% to R915 million (FY22: R867 million), mainly due to the higher cost of consumables, specifically diesel and chemicals as well as annual wage and electricity tariff increases. Capital expenditure increased by 8% to R219 million (FY22: R203 million), mainly for capitalised stripping costs. OUTLOOK FOR FY24 The operation will focus on exploring incremental opportunities while sustaining the current milling plan of 130 000 tonnes per month and further access the life-of-mine stripping ratio improvements. Production guidance for FY24 is between 40 400oz to 42 100oz. ESG statistics Lost time injury frequency rate 6.59 per million hours worked (FY22: 8.47) Water intensity (/tonne treated) 0.19Ml (FY22: 0.26Ml) Energy intensity (/tonne treated) 0.04GWh (FY22: 0.04GWh) GHG intensity (/tonne treated) 0.05tCO2e (FY22: 0.05tCO2e) LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT R3m (FY22: R3m) Community spend (North West) R12m (FY22: R10m) SLP Kalgold 2018 – 2022 (English) Kalgold 2018 – 2022 (Setswana) Kalgold Tel: 018 332 1192 R6JM+3Q Setlagole,North West, South Africa