Kalgold is a long-life, open-pit gold mine on the Kraaipan Greenstone Belt, 55km southwest of Mahikeng in North West province. Mining takes place from the A-zone pit, where activities are ramping up at the pillar between the pit and the Watertank pit. Mined ore is processed at the carbon-in-leach Kalgold plant.
As at 30 June 2024
- Gold Resource: 2.0Moz
- Gold Reserve: 0.6Moz
- LoM: 12 years
operating statistics FY24
1 425kg / 45 815oz
US$1 579/oz
Operating performance FY24
In FY24, Kalgold showed significant improvement in production with both volumes and grade higher than in FY23. The recovered grade improved 13% to 0.96g/t for FY24 (FY23: 0.85g/t) while volumes of ore milled increased to 1.49 million tonnes (FY23: 1.38 million tonnes), an 8% improvement over FY23. As a result, gold production increased 21% to 1 425kg (45 815oz) in the year under review compared to 1 175kg (37 778oz) for FY23.
Gold revenue rose 43% to R1 730 million in FY24 from R1 212 million mainly due to the increase in production, supported by an increase in the gold price received to R1 216 047/kg (FY23: R1 041 891/kg), a 17% increase year on year. Cash operating costs increased 16% to R1 057 million (FY23: R915 million), mainly due to a significant increase in production contractors cost as well as annual
wage and electricity tariff increases.
Capital expenditure increased by 20% to R263 million (FY23: R219 million), mainly for capitalised stripping costs.
Our focus area in FY25
Main focus will be on maintaining the steady production from all four pits and sustaining the current 130 000 tonnes per month.
ESG statistics
Lost time injury frequency rate
1.46 per million hours worked (FY23: 6.59)
Water intensity (/tonne treated)
0.19Ml (FY23: 0.19Ml)
Energy intensity (/tonne treated)
0.04GWh (FY23: 0.04GWh)
GHG intensity
(/tonne treated)
0.05tCO2e (FY23: 0.05tCO2e)
R2m (FY23: R3m)

Tel: 018 332 1192
R6JM+3Q Setlagole,
North West, South Africa