Central Plant Reclamation is a tailings retreatment operation near Welkom in the Free State. Originally built to process waste-rock dumps, it was converted into a tailings retreatment facility in FY17.
As at 30 June 2024
- Gold Resource: 0.4Moz
- Gold Reserve: 0.4Moz
- LoM: 11 years
Operating statistics FY24
615kg / 19 773oz
All-in sustaining cost
US$1 075/oz
Operating performance FY24
Central plant reclamation performed well during FY24 and recorded a 7% increase in gold production to 615kg (19 773oz) from 577kg (18 552oz) in FY23. The recovered grade improved to 0.156g/t, an 8% increase over the 0.145g/t recorded for FY23. Volumes of ore processed was marginally lower at 3.94 million tonnes (FY23: 3.97 million tonnes).
All-in sustaining cost increased by only 2% to R646 522/kg (FY23: R633 098/kg), mainly driven by a 9% increase in cash operating costs. Cash costs increased due to higher cost of chemicals as well as annual wage and electricity tariff increases. Capital expenditure for FY24 rose 16% to R36 million (FY23: R31 million) mainly for buttressing.
Our focus area in FY25
Continue safe operations and deliver operational excellence through a combination of a good health and safety environment, cost competitiveness and improving process efficiencies.
ESG statistics
Lost-time injury frequency rate
0.00 per million hours worked (FY23: 2.21)
Water intensity (/tonne treated)
0.05Ml (FY23: 0.04Ml)
Energy intensity (/tonne treated)
0.01GWh (FY23: 0.01GWh)
GHG intensity
(/tonne treated)
0.01t CO2e (FY23: 0.01t CO2e)

Central Plant
WVRP+58 Virginia,
Free State, South Africa