Promoting decent work and economic growth
Promoting decent work and economic growth
Empowering communities to combat crime
Kalgold dust mitigation
Promoting and supporting education in Papua New Guinea
Celebrating 21 years of the Harmony Virginia Sports Academy
Promoting healthy lifestyles and access to healthcare
Improving mental wellbeing
Using technology to support a safe working environment
Protecting vulnerable species
Maximising the circular economy
Phase 1 and small scale solar PV projects
Doornkop TSF Rehabilitation Project
Leadership development at Harmony
Working with supply chain partners for inclusive local entrepreneur participation
Partnering to future-proof our host communities
Gender-based biases, workplace bullying and sexual harassment survey
Addressing gender-based violence and femicide in mining communities through national partnership
Local economic development: Broad-based livelihoods programme
Committed to partnerships for youth training and development
Honey processing plant cooperative designed to boost Eastern Cape economy
Hidden Valley Mine strategy for safer community roads
Achieving meaningful and sustainable socio-economic development through agricultural programmes
Digitisation and Automation of Healthcare to Address Occupational Risks
Successfully Managing Silica Dust at Target
Simulation-based training at Hidden Valley
Going Beyond Compliance: Trackless Mobile Machinery
Our Thibakotsi journey is transforming the employee experience
Collaboration is key for a win-win solution to water scarcity
Demonstrating our commitment to sustainable water use
Kareerand: A robust design and impeccable operational management
Engaging with local businesses on supplier days
Securing potable water supply for stakeholders
Rehabilitating tailings dams for environmental and socio-economic benefits
Reducing greenhouse gases in South Africa
Project planning to conserve biodiversity at Eva Copper
Rerouting the Nooitgedacht TSF pipeline to protect biodiversity