Securing potable water supply for stakeholders

Harmony’s water management strategy, recognising that water is critical for mining and processing activities and development, acknowledges the importance of securing potable water supply for our host communities and operations, especially in water-scarce areas.
We have committed significant capital to increasing our water recycling ratio and reducing potable water intake – a crucial aspect of maintaining our social licence to operate – with the main objective to conserve our natural resources by improving our water efficiencies through reuse and recycling.
Our ongoing investments in water treatment plants secure potable water supply and reduce our dependence and impact on the natural resources we share with our host communities. Beyond compliance with Department of Water and Sanitation directives, our Margaret and Covalent water companies pump excess water from closed mines near our Mponeng and Moab Khotsong operations to reduce the risk of flooding and financial liability for adjacent operating mines and ensure the safety of our employees and host communities.