Doornkop TSF Rehabilitation Project

The Doornkop TSF rehabilitation project demonstrates how we integrate social and environmental initiatives to reduce our footprint, while positively impacting our host communities.
In FY24, Harmony entered into a tailings revegetation project with Agreenco Environmental Projects, which included the revegetation of Doornkop’s active TSF side slopes. A target area of 14ha was provided to Agreenco to revegetate accordingly. Agreenco is a well known name in the rehabilitation industry. Utilising them allowed Harmony to capitalise on their expert knowledge, whilst ensuring skills transfer to surrounding communities.
Coupled to this, and based on a business imperative, Agreenco was tasked to engage the local community to ensure that local SMMEs will be subcontracted through our enterprise and supplier development initiatives. Projects like this aim to develop skills and provide expertise in specialised jobs such as TSF rehabilitation, grass and tree planting, and the understanding of soil conditions, to support and develop host or local SMMEs. A local youth-owned SMME, Native Seed (Pty) Ltd (Native Seed), was identified as the preferred partner to collaborate with Agreenco on this project. Through this partnership, Native Seed benefited by gaining experience in chemical dust suppression and windbreak installation projects.
Key project benefits
Created 22 employment opportunities for local host community members
Transferred skills and expertise related to TSF dust suppression and rehabilitation
Empowered our local communities and SMMEs with the necessary skills and knowledge base that can be applied to other industries and environmental projects in future
Eragrostis Curvula and Cynodon Dactylon trees were planted at the Doornkop TSF, we not only rehabilitated 12.5ha of the TSF side slopes, but also prevented high dust fallout rates in the vicinity of our TSF