Investing in Papua New Guinea
Harmony, a gold mining specialist with a growing international copper footprint, is committed to creating shared value for all stakeholders and leaving a lasting positive legacy.
Mine Waste Solutions
Acquired in October 2020, Mine Waste Solutions (MWS) is a low-cost surface retreatment facility whose primary activity is to reclaim gold by retreating low-grade historical tailings and safely and responsibly depositing the resulting retreated tailings in a state-of-the-art mega tailings storage facility (TSF), Kareerand.
Harmony’s approach to water
Water is essential not only to health, but also to poverty reduction, food security, peace and human rights, ecosystems and education. Many countries face growing challenges linked to water scarcity, water pollution and degraded water related ecosystems and it is estimated that 2.6bn people will lack safely managed sanitation by 2030.

Caring for our employees
In mining with purpose, our biggest asset is our employees. It is our people that make it possible for Harmony to deliver on its business strategy and create sustained, shared value for all our stakeholders.

Employee health and wellness
In mining with purpose, our duty of care begins with our employees – the heart of our business. The success of our business depends on their productivity – and their productivity, in no small part, depends on their safety, health and wellness.