At the root of all sustainable business are ethics. The continued success of Harmony depends on the highest levels of integrity across all aspects of our business.
For Harmony, it is important that all our stakeholders view us as a company they can trust. Therefore, we are unequivocal about our values and the way in which these find expression in our daily behaviour.
Harmony is committed to upholding global standards across its business and has implemented best practice policies and procedures to ensure that the company, and all those associated with it, are informed about, and act in a manner that does not compromise the business in any way.
We have instituted a formal Code of Conduct and a Behavioural Code, which outline our policies and expectations, particularly as they apply to leadership, employees, contractors and suppliers.
Our grievance procedure is a standard operating procedure established to give communities, or individuals from the community, a forum to raise concerns or complaints related to the company and its operations.
Furthermore, our Whistleblowing Policy encourages all stakeholders to report practices at any of Harmony’s workplaces that conflict with any law or regulation, or with Harmony’s ethical codes and/or other company governance policies.
What should be reported to the Harmony Honesty Hotline
You can report inappropriate actions or behaviour in an organisation or community, including but not limited to:
- Fraud
- Illegal activities
- Unethical behaviour
- Waste
- Abuse
- Wrongdoing
- This includes, for example:
- Contract and procurement irregularities
- Conflicts of interest
- Harassment
- Discrimination
- Theft and misuse of property
- Intentional misrepresentation
- Misconduct
- Time and attendance abuse
- Misuse of expense accounts and company credit cards
- Abuses of authority
- Mismanagement of funds
- Misuse of information technology resources
- Any unethical or illegal actions
- Omissions by the Company
- Exclusion from community engagement
- Failed delivery against Company promises

Anonymously report illegal or unethical activity by calling:
South Africa:
+27 (0) 800 204 256
Papua New Guinea:
+675 (0) 00 478 5280
+61 (1) 800 940 949
Why should inappropriate actions be reported?
To prevent the act from continuing unabated or mitigate the concern before it becomes a bigger problem.
How can it be reported
Through the hotline number +27 (0)800 20 42 56
Can I remain anonymous?
Yes, though it is sometimes difficult to verify information if the person reporting does not wish to be known.
Does my report even matter?
Yes, it does. It is an important element of stakeholder engagement and provides an opportunity for Harmony to identify problems and solve them together with the community now that there are community engagement structures in place.
Who manages the hotline?
The hotline is managed by an independent third party. This is in line with best practice guidelines for ethical reporting and allows stakeholders a “safe space” to share their concerns or grievances.
When can I call the hotline?
The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
How does it work?
The hotline is staffed with advisors specially trained to interview callers. They will assist you to furnish the information you have in a safe and effective manner, so that the matter can be investigated. Harmony’s managers and staff do not answer calls.
When should I report a concern?
Information should preferably be reported, where possible, immediately after a reportable incident has occurred.
What will I be asked?
You will be asked to provide information that will help the advisor establish the facts of the incident (who, what, when, where and why and how). You will also be asked if you can supply any further proof about the allegations, for example documentary proof that you can fax, e-mail or post. During your telephone call, you may remain anonymous or request that your identity be kept confidential.
What happens after a report is lodged or grievance issued?
Acknowledgement of receipt is done with the complainant (with the hotline this will include a reference number), then it is registered in the grievance register and assigned to relevant mine and/or the relevant department to investigate the grievance.
Once an investigation has been concluded, the complainant is provided with feedback. A response will be provided regardless of the outcome of the investigation.
How is this investigated?
Depending on the nature of the grievance whether it is simple of complex, it may be assigned to one or various departments that may need to get involved in addressing it, including senior management if their direction and decision is required.
What are the consequences?
A response will be provided regardless of the outcome of the investigation. Grievances are regarded as an opportunity to identify and solve concerns within the communities that live near our operations. Where Harmony is found to be in the wrong, corrective action will be taken and processes will be reviewed to ensure that a wrong has not been repeated. In some instances, the resolution of a concern may require a joint solution (Harmony and the community). Such cases will be taken to the relevant community engagement structures.