Health and wellness

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  • At 23:04pm, 27 Mar 2025

In FY24:

  • We conducted 89 988 medical examinations (FY23: 88 369), 70 529 (FY23: 68 400) of which were in South Africa and 19 459 (FY23: 19 969) in Papua New Guinea
  • We invested R1.0 billion (FY23: R1.0 billion) in healthcare, R983 million (FY23: R989 million) in South Africa and R42 million (FY23: R34 million) in Papua New Guinea

Our approach

We are guided by our healthcare strategy – a proactive risk-based approach – that outlines the preventive actions we take to:

Support employees in being fit for work and fit for life: leading healthy lifestyles and retiring at a physiologically appropriate age

We prioritise employee health by providing safe workplaces, accessible healthcare, and comprehensive wellness programmes. Our approach covers both occupational health risks like silica dust and noise, as well as lifestyle health management through programmes addressing HIV, TB, mental health, and nutrition. We tailor healthcare initiatives to each country’s specific needs while helping employees manage chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension.

Create a value-added, integrated healthcare service that is collaborative across multiple internal and external stakeholder groups, and promote education, awareness and healthy living

Our electronic health system enables early detection and monitoring of health risks through ongoing medical surveillance. We complement this with awareness campaigns and hygiene education, working alongside government and NGO partners to promote preventive healthcare measures.

We deliver on our strategy through the following focus areas (2023 to 2026):

  • Valued leaders enabled to deliver value
  • Digitised and data-driven healthcare
  • High quality and standards
  • Resilient, fit-for-work and fit-for-life employees
  • Leaders in healthcare and wellness
  • Collaborative ways of work

In FY24, our healthcare expenditure and impact across the group was as follows:

  FY24 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20
South Africa
Health examinations conducted 70 529 68 400 66 862 68 651 49 326
Total healthcare expenditure (Rm)1 983 989 1 304 1 292 786
Free healthcare benefits:
– Health benefits cost (Rm) 612 552 560 465 445
– Employees impacted 25 010 25 720 27 707 28 447 24 789
Medical aid schemes
– Medical aid scheme cost (Rm/month) 30 28 27 26 15
– Employees impacted 9 324 9 493 9 823 9 793 8 122
Papua New Guinea
Health examinations conducted 19 459 19 969 15 539 11 489 20 452
Total health expenditure excluding Covid-19 (Rm) 41 34 19 13 20
Covid-19-related management (Rm)2 n/a n/a 275 290 45
  1. Total healthcare costs include Covid-19 incurred expenditure.
  2. Papua New Guinea Covid-19 response programme operated between FY20-FY22. From FY23, total health expenditure includes Covid-19-related costs.

Silicosis and TB

Our integrated HIV/Aids, silicosis and TB (HAST) programme aims to prevent, treat or manage comorbid HIV/Aids and occupational lung diseases, including silicosis and TB, by:

  • Addressing the interlinked biological, physical and socioeconomic risk factors of HAST in our operations and peri-mining communities through strategic collaborations, enhancing dust control measures, ventilation controls and migrant labour recruitment policies
  • Providing access to and information about treatment, which includes counselling and voluntary testing at our healthcare hubs.


Harmony’s mitigation measures include:

  • To buy and maintain quiet equipment as per the MOSH recommendations to reduce vibration noise
  • Controls, such as silencers, screens and enclosures, that ensure employees are not exposed to high noise levels.

Where the risk exceeds the legislated 85dB(A) occupational exposure limit, employees are issued with personalised hearing protection devices, with the adherence to wearing these devices closely monitored.

Chronic lifestyle diseases

Non-communicable chronic lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and diabetes remain
significant challenges for our employees. Harmony aims to prevent and manage these diseases by
providing exercise and nutrition guidelines that aim to elevate employees’ fitness levels and promote a
healthy relationship with food.

Regional performance

South Africa’s performance in FY24 was driven by executing a holistic health strategy focused on both mental and physical wellbeing. The region conducted 70 529 medical examinations and invested R983 million in healthcare initiatives.

Notable achievements included relaunching the Khethimpilo mental wellbeing programme and improving HIV programme milestones, particularly for the virally suppressed population. The region increased labour availability by reducing health-related absenteeism and improving return-to-work efficiency. A care-for-carers healthcare initiative was successfully launched, and government buy-in was obtained for the men’s forum initiative. Healthcare leadership was strengthened through various training programmes, including enrolling healthcare workers in leadership development programmes and training health managers on systems thinking tools.

Our South African operations enhanced their electronic health management system with data-driven business intelligence to improve communication between health, hygiene and human resource teams.

We also made progress in our occupational health management, particularly in addressing silicosis and tuberculosis through the HAST (HIV/AIDS, silicosis and TB) programme. During the year, we submitted 103 (FY23: 115) silicosis cases for certification and possible compensation by the Medical Bureau for Occupational Diseases (MBOD). The MBOD certified 45 (FY23: 62) silicosis and silico-TB cases.

Papua New Guinea

In Papua New Guinea, the focus was on reviewing Hidden Valley’s health management plan to maintain compliance with and reflect industry best practice. The region conducted 19 459 medical examinations and invested R41 million in medical and healthcare expenses. A significant achievement was receiving an industry award for positive outcomes delivered through the Hidden Valley reduction of lifestyle diseases programme.

The clinical team formalised a patient-centred care approach, which included clear pathways of clinical governance and applying evidence-based practices. This involved recertification of clinicians in American Heart Association advanced cardiovascular life support training, regaining National Department of Health certification, and reviewing internal programmes with independent subject matter experts. The region also implemented specific and tailored training programmes, including injury management for line leaders and occupational contaminant exposure education and awareness.


In Australia, where the workforce consists mainly of office-based staff and a small number of Eva Copper project site employees working remotely, the focus was on providing comprehensive health and wellness support. Site-based employees undergo health screening and industrial health checks prior to and during their employment.

The region partnered with a corporate medical benefits scheme providing discounted medical insurance to all employees and their families, as well as access to wellness tools and programmes. Employees are immunised against influenza, Covid-19 and other communicable diseases as appropriate to their role and exposure. We also signed up to a corporate platform offering fitness and wellness programmes free to all employees and their families, as well as access to over 50 suppliers of health and wellness services and products at discounted rates.


We are committed to delivering on the strategic objectives of our healthcare strategy. To do this, we will:

  • Strengthen our leadership teams to create valued leaders
  • Collaborate with and integrate strategic departments including hygiene, radiation, HR and Thibakotsi, across South Africa, Papua New Guinea and Australia
  • Monitor our compliance framework and optimise health governance
  • Continue digital transformation activities, which will include the pilot of our artificial intelligence X-ray programme, personalised health services, and virtual health services.

Further information

See discussions on our approach to health and wellness and related performance.